Our network of highly skilled freelance court reporters and our knowledgeable support staff are ready to help you capture and preserve the record you need to build your case during the depositions process. With expertise in virtually all types of legal cases, we offer professionalism, responsiveness, accuracy, reliability, and efficiency to ensure a smooth and successful discovery process.
Depositions can occur anywhere, of course, which is why we are willing to travel across the state and beyond to cover your job.
Additionally, we can orchestrate partial or completely remote depositions to increase flexibility and affordability.
And as always, use of one of our conference rooms in any of our offices statewide is complimentary with scheduling of one of our court reporters. Come to us so we can provide you complete support, hospitality and comfortable and useful locations for your deposition.

how does it work?
Our deposition services are a hybrid offering combining expert stenographic transcription and the latest technology with first-rate personal services.
Attendees are welcome to join the deposition either in person at one of our conference rooms across the state, or remotely from their personal office.
Real-time technical support from our team will be available for the duration of your proceeding.
Communications are secure and confidential.
Audio, video and transcription services give you a complete, official record of all proceedings.

We spare no effort in providing the best hospitality, services, refreshments, and products to make you and your clients feel supported and at ease.

Let’s Get Started
We’ll take care of the support, presentation and technical challenges for a smooth customer experience.
Fill out our scheduling form at the link below, and we will reach out to help identify the resources and tools you need.