MTLA FALL SEMINAR 2023, Hilton Garden Inn, Bozeman, Montana
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By clicking the below link and entering the password, you swear and affirm that you have purchased the below seminar video from the Montana Trial Lawyer’s Association, and you have been given permission to view the copyrighted video. Additionally, you agree that this video and its contents are for your use, and that you will not share the link or any downloaded video with any other person.
If you have not purchased rights to view the following video, do not enter to view. If you have questions, please contact Mary Taylor, MTLA Education Coordinator. Thank you.
Montana Trial Lawyers Association
Al Smith, Executive Director
Mary Taylor, Education Coordinator
32 S. Ewing, Suite 312 (59601)
P.O. Box 838
Helena, Montana 59624
Tel: 406-443-3124
Fax: 406-449-6943